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GCE AL / IAL with

  • Grade D or above in 3 AL subjects; or
  • Grade D in 2 AL plus 2 Advanced Supplementary Level (ASL) subjects.

(Not including Chinese / Mandarin / English Language subjects. The same subject cannot be counted at both the AL and ASL)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

(IB Diploma)


International Baccalaureate Diploma

Recognised English Language Qualification(s)

  • English A: Language and Literature (Higher or Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
  • English A: Literature (Higher or Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
  • English B (Higher Level) – Grade 4; or
  • English B (Standard Level) – Grade 5; or
  • English Literature and Performance (Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
  • English Text and Performance (Standard Level) – Grade 4
  • General English Language Requirements

Applicant should request the IB organization to send scores to the University (Institution Code: 004307).



A minimum total score of 1,190 (out of 1,600) in the new SAT Reasoning Test (including Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and Mathematics) / 1,650 (out of 2,400) in the old SAT Reasoning Test (including Critical Reading, Writing, and Mathematics) in one sitting.

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

  • Obtain a sub-score on essay writing of no less than 8 in the old SAT; or
  • a minimum score of 590 in the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing of the new SAT; or
  • General English Language Requirements

Applicant should request the College Board to send scores to the University (Institution Code: 7380) and upload the copy of the scores reports onto the Online Application System.

海外/国际资历 (以国家 / 地区划分)


Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

One of the following:
  • Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) minimum score of 80; or
  • Equivalent National Tertiary Entrance Rank (ENTER) minimum score of 80; or
  • Tertiary Entrance Rank (TER) minimum score of 80; or
  • Universities Admission Index (UAI) minimum score of 80; or
  • Overall Position (OP) Band score between 1 and 8 (25-band scale).
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Reifeprüfung/ Matura

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Completion of Higher Secondary Certificate

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs (DSC); or
  • Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts; or
  • Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur (CESS)
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
Brunei-Cambridge GCE A-Level (AL) with:
  • Grade D or above in 3 AL subjects; or
  • Grade D in 2 AL plus 2 Advanced Supplementary Level (ASL) subjects

(Not including Chinese/English Language subjects. The same subject cannot be counted at both the AL and ASL)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diploma za Zavarsheno Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diploma of Upper Secondary Education

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

One of the following:
  • 3 passes in Cameroon GCE Advanced Level (Not including Chinese/English Language subjects); or
  • Cameroon Baccalauréat
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
One of the following:

  • High School Graduation Diploma with passes in five Grade 12 courses, provided that at least 70% is achieved in each of those courses.
British Columbia
  • Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma with passes in five Grade 12 / BC Provincially Examinable Courses, provided that at least 70% is achieved in each of those courses.
  • Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma with passes in five full credits at Grade 12 (40 level) in courses designated S (Specialized), G (General), or U (University-based), provided that at least 70% is achieved in each of those courses.
  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with passes in six Grade 12 University Preparation Course (U) or University/College Preparation Course (M) courses, provided that at least 70% is achieved in each of those courses.
  • Diploma of Collegial Studies with an average of 70%.
Other provinces
  • High School Graduation Diploma with at least 70% is achieved in each of the five Grade 12 subjects.
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Licencia de Enseñanza Media (Certificate of Secondary Education)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

  • Students attending the current year National Joint College Entrance Examination (JEE) of Mainland China:
    Meeting the 1st cut-off line (or equivalent) of the respective province for admission to mainland key universities (第一批重點高校分數綫 (一本綫)).
    Please click here for more information.
  • JEE for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Students (港澳台僑高考) :
    A score of not less than 600 (out of 750).
  • Students from international schools taking examinations other than the JEE:
    To follow the entrance requirements of country/region to which the qualification belongs.
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
(JEE candidates should obtain an acceptable score in JEE English subject. Please refer to the JEE admission website for details.)

Svjedodžba o maturi/ Svjedodžba o državnoj maturi/ Potvrda o položenim ispitima državne mature (Matura Certificate/ Certificate of State Maturity)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Vysvědčení o Maturitní Zkoušce/ Maturita (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

One of the following:
  • Bevis for Studentereksamen (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) (STX); or
  • Bevis for Højere Forberedelseseksamen (Higher Preparatory Examination Certificate) (HF); or
  • Bevis for Højere Teknisk Eksamen (Higher Technical Examination Certificate) (HTX); or
  • Bevis for Højere Handelseksamen (Higher Commerce Examination) (HHX)
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
  • Score of 7 or above in Level A English in Studentereksamen (STX), Hojere Forberedelseseksamen (HF), Hojere Handelseksamen (HHX) or Hojere Teknisk Eksamen (HTX)
  • General English Language Requirements

Thanaweya A'ama (Certificate of General Secondary Education) with an overall average of 70%

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Bachillerato/Bachiller/Bachiller Academico (School Leaving Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

  • Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate); and
  • Riigieksamitunnistus (National Examination Certificate)
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Ethiopian University Entrance Examination Certificate

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

One of the following:
  • Ylioppilastutkintotodistus; or
  • Studentexamensbetyg (Matriculation Examination)
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
One of the following:
  • Baccalaureat General; or
  • Option Internationle du Baccalaureat (OIB); or
  • European Baccalaureate
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) awarded by the West African Examinations Council

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Completion of the High School Degree of Secondary Education (Abitur)/Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife (German Abitur certificate).

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) awarded by the West African Examinations Council

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Apolytirio Eniaiou Lykeiou/ Apolytirion Geniko Lykeio (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) with a minimum of:

  • Level 3 in English and Chinese Languages; and
  • Level 2 in Mathematics Compulsory; and
  • "Attained" in Citizenship and Social Development; and
  • Level 2 in two Elective subjects

Individual programmes may require a higher attainment level in particular subjects and may also have specific subject requirements. Please click here for details about HKDSE requirements.

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
Level 3 or above in HKDSE English Language

Érettségi/Matura (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Stúdentspróf (Matriculation Examination)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Completion of a senior secondary school leaving certificate at Grade 12 level, e.g. All India Senior School Certificate Examination (SSC) / Higher School Certificate (HSC) / Indian School Certificate (ISC), with 75% or better in each of the Standard XII subjects.

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

SMA Ijazah (Senior High School Graduation Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Konkur (National Entrance Exam)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Irish Leaving Certificate with passes in five subjects at C level (before 2017) / H4 (from 2017) or above in Higher level papers.

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Bagrut (Matriculation Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diploma di Esame di Stato (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Attestat / Svidetel’ stvo o Srednem Obrazovanil (Completion of Certificate of Secondary Education) with grade 4 (5-point scale) or above in each of the subjects; or
  • Certificate of Unified National Testing (UNT); or
  • Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools' (NIS) Grade 12 Certificate; or
  • Successful completion of one year’s study in a bachelor’s degree programme at a recognised university.
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Attestat o Srednem (polnom) Obrazovanii (Completion of Certificate of Secondary Education) with grade 4 or above (5-point scale) in each of the subjects. To make the application competitive, applicants are recommended to have good results in the National Scholarship Test (NST); or
  • Successful completion of one year’s study in a bachelor’s degree programme at a recognised university.
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Upper Secondary School Diploma

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Atestāts Par Vispārējo Vidējo Izglītību (Certificate of General Secondary Education)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) awarded by the West African Examinations Council

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Matura (Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Brandos Atestatas (Maturity Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diplome de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires (Secondary Education Completion Diploma)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • JEE for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Students (港澳台僑高考); or
  • Senior Secondary School Graduation Diploma / Certificate

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Secondary School Leaving Diploma / Matura with an overall grade of 4.0

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Grade C or above in at least 6 subjects at UEC (Senior Middle Level) in one sitting; or
  • Grade C or above in at least 3 subjects in Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) in the same sitting, other than language subjects.
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
  • Band 4 (Aggregated Score 180-219) or above in Malaysian University English Test (MUET); or
  • Grade C or above in SPM English Language; or
  • Grade C or above in STPM English Language; or
  • Grade B4 or above in UEC-Senior English Language; or
  • General English Language Requirements

Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate with

  • Grade D or above in three Advanced Level (AL) subjects; or
  • Grade D in 2 AL plus 2 Advanced Supplementary Level (ASL) subjects.

(Not including Chinese / Mandarin / English Language subjects. The same subject cannot be counted at both the AL and ASL)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Mexican Bachillerato

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diplomã de Bacalaureat (Baccalaureate Diploma)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Completion of upper secondary school and the school-leaving certificate

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diplôme du Baccalauréat / Attestation du Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate Certificate) with an average of 14 on a 20-point scale

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Basic Education High School Examination or Matriculation Examination; or
  • Successful completion of one year's study on a bachelor's degree programme at a recognised university
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Completion of School Leaving Certificate Examination (Grade XI & XII) awarded by the National Examinations Board

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Voorbeiderend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) Diploma

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
  • Achieve a standard of "Achieved" (A) in a minimum of 10 credits at level 2 or higher in English on the National Qualifications Framework of New Zealand; 5 credits must be in Reading and 5 credits must be in Writing. Literacy credits will be selected from a schedule of approved achievement standards and unit standards; or
  • General English Language Requirements

One of the following:

  • West African Senior School Certificate (WASSCE) awarded by the West African Examinations Council; or
  • Senior School Certificate awarded by the National Examinations Council (NECO)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Satisfactory completion of Vitnemal fra den Videregaende Skole (Upper Secondary Leaving Certificate) endorsed "generell studiekompetanse"

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Thanawiya Amma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with an overall average of 80%

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) (80% or above in each of the six subjects)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

High School Diploma (Grade 12)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Świadectwo Dojrzałości (Certificate of Maturity)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação/ Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diploma de Bacalaureat

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii (Completion of Certificate of Secondary (Complete) General Education) with an average of 4.5 on a 5-point scale and pass in the Unified State Examination (EGE); or
  • Successful completion of one year’s study in a bachelor’s degree programme at a recognised university
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

80% or above in at least 6 subjects (including English and Chinese/an alternative language other than Chinese and English) in Tawjihiyah (General Secondary Education Certificate) Examination in two consecutive sittings

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Passes in three SQA Advanced Higher subjects

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Diploma o položenom maturskom ispitu (Diploma of Completed Graduation Examinations); or
  • Diploma o stečenom srednem obrazovanju (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) awarded by the West African Examinations Council

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
  • Students from Polytechnics:
    Diploma, Professional Diploma or Technical Diploma awarded by one of the following institutions, provided that the period of study is no less than two years (full-time) or four years (part-time): Nanyang Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic or Temasek Polytechnic.
  • Students taking the Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level Examinations:
    Grade D or above in at least three H2 subjects (other than Chinese/Mandarin and English) or Grade D or above in two H2 plus two H1 subjects (other than Chinese/Mandarin and English).
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
  • Grade C or above in H1 General Paper in Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level; or
  • Grade C6 or above in the English Language in Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-Level
  • General English Language Requirements

Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej Skúške (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Maturitetno Spričevalo (Matura Certificate)/ Spričevalo o splošni maturi (Certificate of General Matura)/ Splošna Matura (General Matura Certificate) 

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

National Senior Certificate with 70% (grade 6) or above in each of the subjects 

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Ilbankye Kodung Hakkyo (Completion of General High School Diploma) with grade C "mi" (70-79) or above in each of the subjects; or
  • Suneung [College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT)]. To be competitive for admission, a score of 300 (75%) or above is normally expected.

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

  • Titulo de Bachillerato; and
  • Prueba de Aptitud para Acceso a la Universidad (PAU - University Entrance Exam) with an average of 8.0 on a 10-point scale

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Sri Lanka Advanced Level examination with
  • Grade D or above in 3 Advanced Level (AL) subjects; or
  • Grade D in 2 AL + 2 Advanced Supplementary Level (ASL) subjects  

(Not including Chinese / Mandarin / English Language subjects. The same subject cannot be counted at both the AL and ASL)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Högskoleförberedande Examen (Avgångsbetyg/ Slutbetyg Från Gymnasieskola) - Upper Secondary School leaving certificate 

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
One of the following:
  • Maturitätsausweis; or
  • Certificat de Maturité; or
  • Attestato di Maturità (Federal Maturity Certificate); or
  • Eidgenössisch Anerkanntes Kantonales Maturitätszeugnis; or
  • Certificat de Maturité Cantonal Reconnu Par La Confédération; or
  • Attestato di Maturità Cantonale Riconosciuto Dalla Confederazione (Federally Recognised Cantonal Maturity Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

One of the following:
  • General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) (學科能力測驗): Scores in English subject within the top percentile (頂標); and scores in other three subjects (including Chinese) within the average standard (均標); or
  • Four subjects in Advanced Subjects Test (AST) (指定科目考試) normally within the top percentile (頂標)
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSEE), with grade C or above in three Principal subjects 

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Completed General Secondary Education) with grade 4 or above (5-point scale) in each of the subjects; or
  • Successful completion of one year’s study in a bachelor’s degree programme at a recognised university

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Senior Secondary School-leaving Certificate (e.g. Mathayom Suksa 6 - M6) with grade 3 or above (4-point scale) in each subject 

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Baccalauréat with an overall average of 14 on a 20-point scale

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following with at least grade 4 in each of the subjects:
  • Anadolu Lisesi Diplomasi (Anatolian High School Diploma); or
  • Devlet Lise Diplomasi (State High School Diploma); or
  • Lise Bitirme Diplomasi (Private High School Diploma); or
  • Fen Lisesi Diplomasi (Science High School Diploma)
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with Grade C or above in three principal academic subjects

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Tawjihiyya (Secondary Education Certificate) with an overall average of 70%

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
For students taking BTEC
  • BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma; or
  • BTEC Higher National Certificate (HNC); or
  • BTEC Higher National Diplomas (HND)

For students taking Cambridge Pre-U Diploma

  • Grade P3 (Pass 3) or better in three Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subjects or the award of the Cambridge Pre-U Diploma (Not including Chinese and English Language subjects)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

High school students

High School Graduation Diploma with one of the following:

  • Fullfillment of the abovementioned requirements on the SAT Reasoning Test; or
  • An American College Test (ACT) composite score of 24 or above; or
  • Grade 3 in two Advanced Placement (AP) subjects.

Students studying Associate Degree (AD) in the US or in a US university/college operating in Hong Kong

  • The US High School Graduation Diploma; and
  • Successful completion of one year's study on a full-time AD programme at a recognised US university / community college, provided that the duration of the AD programme is at least two years in full-time mode

Students following Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) in community colleges

  • The US High School Graduation Diploma; and
  • Successful completion of IGETC with Grade C or above in each of the subjects

Students taking the Araratian Baccalaureate (AB Diploma)

  • Grade D or above in 3 extended level subjects or 2 extended level subjects plus 2 standard level subjects, not including any language-related subjects (i.e. Amenian, English and Russian languages)

(The same subject will not be counted at both extended and standard level)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):


Bàng Tót Nghiêp Phó Thông Trung Hoc (Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate) with an overall average of 6 (out of 10) in the four examination subjects, provided that no subject is less than 5

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
  • Grade C or above in three Zimbabwe GCE Advanced Level subjects (Not including Chinese/English Language subjects); and
  • Five passes in the Zimbabwe GCE O level (including English)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):



语文能力测试 最低要求 (只提供英文版本)


Minimum score of 23 in both ACT English and Reading (in one sitting)


Grade 4 or above in one of the following:
  • AP English Language and Composition; or
  • AP English Literature and Composition

Cambridge English

Grade C / 180 or above in C1 Advanced / C2 Proficiency

(GCE System)

Grade E or above in GCE AS-level or A-level English; or
Grade C / Grade 4 or above in IGCSE / GCE O-level English; or
Grade C / Grade 4 or above in GCSE English or English Literature

(IB Diploma)

English A: Language and Literature (Higher or Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
English A: Literature (Higher or Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
English B (Higher Level) – Grade 4; or
English B (Standard Level) – Grade 5; or
English Literature and Performance (Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
English Text and Performance (Standard Level) – Grade 4

雅思 (学术模式)
(IELTS Academic)

Overall Band: 6

Pearson Test of English Academic
(PTE Academic)

Overall score of 62 or above


A sub-score of 8 in Essay Writing in old SAT; or
590 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing in new SAT

(学校代码: 5225)
Internet-based Test (iBT): 80; or
Paper-based (prior to July 2017): 550; or
Paper-delivered test: A sum score of 60

* 不接受 TOEFL ITP 及 MyBestTM Score


Other English language qualifications deemed acceptable by the University.




最低要求 (只提供英文版本)


Grade E or above AS-level Chinese Language & Culture


Level 3 in Chinese Language; or
Level 2 or above Chinese Language (applicable to holders of a recognised AD/HD)

(GCE System)

Grade E or above in GCE AS-level or A-level Chinese; or
Grade C / Grade 4 or above in GCSE / IGCSE / GCE O-level Chinese

(IB Diploma)

Grade 4 in Chinese Language subject


Other Chinese language qualifications deemed acceptable by the University.




