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International Qualifications - Entrance Requirements
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The qualifications listed below are accepted as satisfying the General Entrance Requirements for our bachelor's degree programmes. Qualifications not listed below will be considered on individual merits. Applicants are normally required to complete Grade 12 studies on a full-time basis in high school and they may also need to fulfill the language requirements and/or programme specific requirements. Due to quota limit, applicants having satisfied the University's entrance requirements will be considered for admission on a competitive basis. Eligible applicants will be requested to attend interviews for further assessment. Holding minimum requirement does not guarantee admission to the University.

General International Qualifications


GCE AL / IAL with

  • Grade D or above in 3 AL subjects; or
  • Grade D in 2 AL plus 2 Advanced Supplementary Level (ASL) subjects.
(Not including Chinese / Mandarin / English Language subjects. The same subject cannot be counted at both the AL and ASL)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
IB Diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
  • English A: Language and Literature (Higher or Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
  • English A: Literature (Higher or Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
  • English B (Higher Level) – Grade 4; or
  • English B (Standard Level) – Grade 5; or
  • English Literature and Performance (Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
  • English Text and Performance (Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
  • General English Language Requirements
Applicant should request the IB organization to send scores to the University (Institution Code: 004307).
SAT Reasoning Test A minimum total score of 1,190 (out of 1,600) in the new SAT Reasoning Test (including Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and Mathematics) / 1,650 (out of 2,400) in the old SAT Reasoning Test (including Critical Reading, Writing, and Mathematics) in one sitting.

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
  • Obtain a sub-score on essay writing of no less than 8 in the old SAT / a minimum score of 590 in the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing of the new SAT; or
  • General English Language Requirements
Applicant should request the College Board to send scores to the University (Institution Code: 7380) and upload the copy of the scores reports onto the Online Application System.

National / Regional Qualifications (By Country / Region)


Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

One of the following:
  • Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) minimum score of 80; or
  • Equivalent National Tertiary Entrance Rank (ENTER) minimum score of 80; or
  • Tertiary Entrance Rank (TER) minimum score of 80; or
  • Universities Admission Index (UAI) minimum score of 80; or
  • Overall Position (OP) Band score between 1 and 8 (25-band scale).
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Reifeprüfung/ Matura

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Completion of Higher Secondary Certificate

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs (DSC); or
  • Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts; or
  • Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur (CESS)
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
Brunei-Cambridge GCE A-Level (AL) with:
  • Grade D or above in 3 AL subjects; or
  • Grade D in 2 AL plus 2 Advanced Supplementary Level (ASL) subjects

(Not including Chinese/English Language subjects. The same subject cannot be counted at both the AL and ASL)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diploma za Zavarsheno Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diploma of Upper Secondary Education

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

One of the following:
  • 3 passes in Cameroon GCE Advanced Level (Not including Chinese/English Language subjects); or
  • Cameroon Baccalauréat
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
One of the following:

  • High School Graduation Diploma with passes in five Grade 12 courses, provided that at least 70% is achieved in each of those courses.
British Columbia
  • Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma with passes in five Grade 12 / BC Provincially Examinable Courses, provided that at least 70% is achieved in each of those courses.
  • Senior Secondary Graduation Diploma with passes in five full credits at Grade 12 (40 level) in courses designated S (Specialized), G (General), or U (University-based), provided that at least 70% is achieved in each of those courses.
  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with passes in six Grade 12 University Preparation Course (U) or University/College Preparation Course (M) courses, provided that at least 70% is achieved in each of those courses.
  • Diploma of Collegial Studies with an average of 70%.
Other provinces
  • High School Graduation Diploma with at least 70% is achieved in each of the five Grade 12 subjects.
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Licencia de Enseñanza Media (Certificate of Secondary Education)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

  • Students attending the current year National Joint College Entrance Examination (JEE) of Mainland China:
    Meeting the 1st cut-off line (or equivalent) of the respective province for admission to mainland key universities (第一批重點高校分數綫 (一本綫)).
    Please click here for more information.  
  • JEE for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Students (港澳台僑高考) :
    A score of not less than 600 (out of 750).
  • Students from international schools taking examinations other than the JEE:
    To follow the entrance requirements of country/region to which the qualification belongs.

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
(JEE candidates should obtain an acceptable score in JEE English subject. Please refer to the JEE admission website for details.)

Svjedodžba o maturi/ Svjedodžba o državnoj maturi/ Potvrda o položenim ispitima državne mature (Matura Certificate/ Certificate of State Maturity)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Vysvědčení o Maturitní Zkoušce/ Maturita (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

One of the following:
  • Bevis for Studentereksamen (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) (STX); or
  • Bevis for Højere Forberedelseseksamen (Higher Preparatory Examination Certificate) (HF); or
  • Bevis for Højere Teknisk Eksamen (Higher Technical Examination Certificate) (HTX); or
  • Bevis for Højere Handelseksamen (Higher Commerce Examination) (HHX)
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
  • Score of 7 or above in Level A English in Studentereksamen (STX), Hojere Forberedelseseksamen (HF), Hojere Handelseksamen (HHX) or Hojere Teknisk Eksamen (HTX); or
  • General English Language Requirements

Thanaweya A'ama (Certificate of General Secondary Education) with an overall average of 70%

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Bachillerato/Bachiller/Bachiller Academico (School Leaving Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

  • Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate); and
  • Riigieksamitunnistus (National Examination Certificate)
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Ethiopian University Entrance Examination Certificate

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

One of the following:
  • Ylioppilastutkintotodistus; or
  • Studentexamensbetyg (Matriculation Examination)
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
One of the following:
  • Baccalaureat General; or
  • Option Internationle du Baccalaureat (OIB); or
  • European Baccalaureate
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) awarded by the West African Examinations Council

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Completion of the High School Degree of Secondary Education (Abitur)/Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife (German Abitur certificate).

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) awarded by the West African Examinations Council

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Apolytirio Eniaiou Lykeiou/ Apolytirion Geniko Lykeio (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) with a minimum of:

  • Level 3 in English and Chinese Languages; and
  • Level 2 in Mathematics Compulsory; and
  • "Attained" in Citizenship and Social Development; and
  • Level 2 in two Elective subjects

Individual programmes may require a higher attainment level in particular subjects and may also have specific subject requirements. Please click here for details about HKDSE requirements.

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
Level 3 or above in HKDSE English Language

Érettségi/Matura (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Stúdentspróf (Matriculation Examination)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Completion of a senior secondary school leaving certificate at Grade 12 level, e.g. All India Senior School Certificate Examination (SSC) / Higher School Certificate (HSC) / Indian School Certificate (ISC), with 75% or better in each of the Standard XII subjects.

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

SMA Ijazah (Senior High School Graduation Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Konkur (National Entrance Exam)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Irish Leaving Certificate with passes in five subjects at C level (before 2017) / H4 (from 2017) or above in Higher level papers.

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Bagrut (Matriculation Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diploma di Esame di Stato (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Attestat / Svidetel’ stvo o Srednem Obrazovanil (Completion of Certificate of Secondary Education) with grade 4 (5-point scale) or above in each of the subjects; or
  • Certificate of Unified National Testing (UNT); or
  • Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools' (NIS) Grade 12 Certificate; or
  • Successful completion of one year’s study in a bachelor’s degree programme at a recognised university.
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Attestat o Srednem (polnom) Obrazovanii (Completion of Certificate of Secondary Education) with grade 4 or above (5-point scale) in each of the subjects. To make the application competitive, applicants are recommended to have good results in the National Scholarship Test (NST); or
  • Successful completion of one year’s study in a bachelor’s degree programme at a recognised university.
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Upper Secondary School Diploma

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Atestāts Par Vispārējo Vidējo Izglītību (Certificate of General Secondary Education)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) awarded by the West African Examinations Council

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Matura (Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Brandos Atestatas (Maturity Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diplome de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires (Secondary Education Completion Diploma)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements


One of the following:
  • JEE for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Students (港澳台僑高考); or
  • Senior Secondary School Graduation Diploma / Certificate.

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Secondary School Leaving Diploma / Matura with an overall grade of 4.0

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Grade C or above in at least 6 subjects at UEC (Senior Middle Level) in one sitting; or
  • Grade C or above in at least 3 subjects in Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) in the same sitting, other than language subjects.
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
  • Band 4 (Aggregated Score 180-219) or above in Malaysian University English Test (MUET); or
  • Grade C or above in SPM English Language; or
  • Grade C or above in STPM English Language; or
  • Grade B4 or above in UEC-Senior English Language; or
  • General English Language Requirements

Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate with

  • Grade D or above in three Advanced Level (AL) subjects; or
  • Grade D in 2 AL plus 2 Advanced Supplementary Level (ASL) subjects.

(Not including Chinese / English Language subjects. The same subject cannot be counted at both the AL and ASL)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Mexican Bachillerato

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diplomã de Bacalaureat (Baccalaureate Diploma)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Completion of upper secondary school and the school-leaving certificate

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diplôme du Baccalauréat / Attestation du Baccalauréat (Baccalaureate Certificate) with an average of 14 on a 20-point scale

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Basic Education High School Examination or Matriculation Examination; or
  • Successful completion of one year's study on a bachelor's degree programme at a recognised university
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Completion of School Leaving Certificate Examination (Grade XI & XII) awarded by the National Examinations Board

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Voorbeiderend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) Diploma

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
  • Achieve a standard of "Achieved" (A) in a minimum of 10 credits at level 2 or higher in English on the National Qualifications Framework of New Zealand; 5 credits must be in Reading and 5 credits must be in Writing. Literacy credits will be selected from a schedule of approved achievement standards and unit standards; or
  • General English Language Requirements

One of the following:

  • West African Senior School Certificate (WASSCE) awarded by the West African Examinations Council; or
  • Senior School Certificate awarded by the National Examinations Council (NECO)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Satisfactory completion of Vitnemal fra den Videregaende Skole (Upper Secondary Leaving Certificate) endorsed "generell studiekompetanse"

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Thanawiya Amma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with an overall average of 80%

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) (80% or above in each of the six subjects)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

High School Diploma (Grade 12)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Świadectwo Dojrzałości (Certificate of Maturity)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação/ Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Diploma de Bacalaureat

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii (Completion of Certificate of Secondary (Complete) General Education) with an average of 4.5 on a 5-point scale and pass in the Unified State Examination (EGE); or
  • Successful completion of one year’s study in a bachelor’s degree programme at a recognised university
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

80% or above in at least 6 subjects (including English and Chinese/an alternative language other than Chinese and English) in Tawjihiyah (General Secondary Education Certificate) Examination in two consecutive sittings

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Passes in three SQA Advanced Higher subjects

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Diploma o položenom maturskom ispitu (Diploma of Completed Graduation Examinations); or
  • Diploma o stečenom srednem obrazovanju (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) awarded by the West African Examinations Council

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
  • Students from Polytechnics:
    Diploma, Professional Diploma or Technical Diploma awarded by one of the following institutions, provided that the period of study is no less than two years (full-time) or four years (part-time): Nanyang Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic or Temasek Polytechnic.
  • Students taking the Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level Examinations:
    Grade D or above in at least three H2 subjects (other than Chinese/Mandarin and English) or Grade D or above in two H2 plus two H1 subjects (other than Chinese/Mandarin and English).
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
  • Grade C or above in H1 General Paper in Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level; or
  • Grade C6 or above in the English Language in Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-Level; or
  • General English Language Requirements

Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej Skúške (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Maturitetno Spričevalo (Matura Certificate)/ Spričevalo o splošni maturi (Certificate of General Matura)/ Splošna Matura (General Matura Certificate) 

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

National Senior Certificate with 70% (grade 6) or above in each of the subjects 

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Ilbankye Kodung Hakkyo (Completion of General High School Diploma) with grade C "mi" (70-79) or above in each of the subjects; or
  • Suneung [College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT)]. To be competitive for admission, a score of 300 (75%) or above is normally expected.

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

  • Titulo de Bachillerato; and
  • Prueba de Aptitud para Acceso a la Universidad (PAU - University Entrance Exam) with an average of 8.0 on a 10-point scale

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Sri Lanka Advanced Level examination with
  • Grade D or above in 3 Advanced Level (AL) subjects; or
  • Grade D in 2 AL + 2 Advanced Supplementary Level (ASL) subjects  

(Not including Chinese / Mandarin / English Language subjects. The same subject cannot be counted at both the AL and ASL)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Högskoleförberedande Examen (Avgångsbetyg/ Slutbetyg Från Gymnasieskola) - Upper Secondary School leaving certificate 

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
One of the following:
  • Maturitätsausweis; or
  • Certificat de Maturité; or
  • Attestato di Maturità (Federal Maturity Certificate); or
  • Eidgenössisch Anerkanntes Kantonales Maturitätszeugnis; or
  • Certificat de Maturité Cantonal Reconnu Par La Confédération; or
  • Attestato di Maturità Cantonale Riconosciuto Dalla Confederazione (Federally Recognised Cantonal Maturity Certificate)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

One of the following:
  • General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) (學科能力測驗): Scores in English subject within the top percentile (頂標); and scores in other three subjects (including Chinese) within the average standard (均標); or
  • Four subjects in Advanced Subjects Test (AST) (指定科目考試) normally within the top percentile (頂標)
Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSEE), with grade C or above in three Principal subjects 

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following:
  • Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Completed General Secondary Education) with grade 4 or above (5-point scale) in each of the subjects; or
  • Successful completion of one year’s study in a bachelor’s degree programme at a recognised university

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Senior Secondary School-leaving Certificate (e.g. Mathayom Suksa 6 - M6) with grade 3 or above (4-point scale) in each subject 

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Baccalauréat with an overall average of 14 on a 20-point scale

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
One of the following with at least grade 4 in each of the subjects:
  • Anadolu Lisesi Diplomasi (Anatolian High School Diploma); or
  • Devlet Lise Diplomasi (State High School Diploma); or
  • Lise Bitirme Diplomasi (Private High School Diploma); or
  • Fen Lisesi Diplomasi (Science High School Diploma)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with Grade C or above in three principal academic subjects

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

Tawjihiyya (Secondary Education Certificate) with an overall average of 70%

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
For students taking BTEC
  • BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma; or
  • BTEC Higher National Certificate (HNC); or
  • BTEC Higher National Diplomas (HND)

For students taking Cambridge Pre-U Diploma

  • Grade P3 (Pass 3) or better in three Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subjects or the award of the Cambridge Pre-U Diploma (Not including Chinese and English Language subjects)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements

High school students

High School Graduation Diploma with one of the following:

  • Fullfillment of the abovementioned requirements on the SAT Reasoning Test; or
  • An American College Test (ACT) composite score of 24 or above; or
  • Grade 3 in two Advanced Placement (AP) subjects.

Students studying Associate Degree (AD) in the US or in a US university/college operating in Hong Kong

  • The US High School Graduation Diploma; and
  • Successful completion of one year's study on a full-time AD programme at a recognised US university / community college, provided that the duration of the AD programme is at least two years in full-time mode

Students following Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) in community colleges

  • The US High School Graduation Diploma; and
  • Successful completion of IGETC with Grade C or above in each of the subjects

Students taking the Araratian Baccalaureate (AB Diploma)

  • Grade D or above in 3 extended level subjects or 2 extended level subjects plus 2 standard level subjects, not including any language-related subjects (i.e. Amenian, English and Russian languages)

(The same subject will not be counted at both extended and standard level)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

Bàng Tót Nghiêp Phó Thông Trung Hoc (Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate) with an overall average of 6 (out of 10) in the four examination subjects, provided that no subject is less than 5

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):
General English Language Requirements
  • Grade C or above in three Zimbabwe GCE Advanced Level subjects (Not including Chinese/English Language subjects); and
  • Five passes in the Zimbabwe GCE O level (including English)

Recognised English Language Qualification(s):

General English Language Requirements

The following is a list of acceptable English language tests and the score required:

Proficiency Tests Minimum Requirements
(Institution Code: 3642)
Minimum score of 23 in both ACT English and Reading (in one sitting)
(Institution Code: 7380)
Grade 4 or above in one of the following:
  • AP English Language and Composition; or
  • AP English Literature and Composition
Cambridge English Grade C / 180 or above in C1 Advanced / C2 Proficiency
GCE System Grade E or above in GCE AS-level or A-level English; or
Grade C / Grade 4 or above in IGCSE / GCE O-level English; or
Grade C / Grade 4 or above in GCSE English or English Literature

IB Diploma
(Institution Code: 004307)

English A: Language and Literature (Higher or Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
English A: Literature (Higher or Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
English B (Higher Level) – Grade 4; or
English B (Standard Level) – Grade 5; or
English Literature and Performance (Standard Level) – Grade 4; or
English Text and Performance (Standard Level) – Grade 4
IELTS Academic Overall Band: 6
(the test should be taken in test centres and the results should be valid within two years after the test date)
Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) Overall score of 62 or above

(Institution Code: 7380)

A sub-score of 8 in Essay Writing in old SAT; or
590 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing in new SAT
(Institution Code: 5225)
Internet-based Test (iBT): 80; or
Paper-based Test (prior to July 2017): 550; or
Paper-delivered Test: A sum score of 60
* TOEFL ITP and MyBestTM Score are not accepted.
(the test should be taken in test centres and the result should be valid within two years after the test date)
Others Other English language qualifications deemed acceptable by the University.

General Chinese Language Requirements

The following is a list of acceptable Chinese language tests and the score required:

Proficiency Tests Minimum Requirements
HKALE Grade E or above AS-level Chinese Language & Culture
HKDSE Level 3 in Chinese Language
Level 2 or above Chinese Language (applicable to holders of a recognised AD/HD)
GCE System Grade E or above in GCE AS-level or A-level Chinese; or
Grade C / Grade 4 or above in GCSE / IGCSE / GCE O-level Chinese

IB Diploma
(Institution Code: 004307)

Chinese Language - Grade 4
Others Other Chinese language qualifications deemed acceptable by the University.

* Applicants seeking admission to programmes with English as the medium of instruction will be exempted from this Chinese Language requirement on a case-by-case basis. For programmes which require students to have possessed a good command of Chinese, waiver of Chinese Language requirement will not be granted.

The abovementioned requirements are subject to ongoing review. The University reserves its right to revise the requirements if and when necessary.

Last update: 19 September 2023
