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Nomination Schemes
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for JUPAS applicants
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School Principal's Nominations (SPN) Scheme under JUPAS

The main objective of SPN is to give due recognition to applicants who have contributed to social services or made outstanding achievements in non-academic areas, e.g. music, sports, social sciences, and other cultural activities, or who have demonstrated leadership abilities. For details, please refer to the JUPAS website at

If you obtain satisfactory results in the admission interview, you may be given a conditional offer before the announcement of the HKDSE examination results. The final decision on admission will be subject to your HKDSE examination results and other stipulated conditions.

School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS)

The School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS) aims to provide university education opportunities for talented S6 students who are assessed as suitable for their own preferred programmes based on broad parameters other than HKDSE examination results. To read more, please click here.

EdUHK Undergraduate Programme Nominations Scheme (UPNS)

The EdUHK Undergraduate Programme Nominations Scheme (UPNS) aims to attract more young talent who aspire to develop their potential to the full and serve our school community. UPNS is different from SPN which is specially designed for schools to nominate students who have contributed to social services, or made outstanding achievements in non-academic areas such as sports, music, social services, other cultural activities, or who have demonstrated leadership abilities. UPNS is a deep collaboration with our school partners aimed at selecting students who are deemed suitable for becoming outstanding professional educators. To read more, please click here.

EdUHK Self-Nomination Admissions Scheme (Self-Nom)

The EdUHK Self-Nomination Admissions Scheme (Self-Nom) is designed for JUPAS applicants with exceptional potential and outstanding talent in music / sports / STEAM / visual arts. They can nominate themselves to the related JUPAS programmes of the University. To read more, please click here.

EdUHK Nomination Scheme For Elite Athletes (NSEA)

To offer more options and flexibility for elite athletes to enroll in the EdUHK's undergraduate programmes, the University has launched the EdUHK Nomination Scheme for Elite Athletes (NSEA) since the 2022/23 academic year.  The University can also take this opportunity to contribute to the sports development in Hong Kong by supporting young athletes and recognizing their achievements.  To read more, please click here.


Probity Requirements
Other than the application fee, applicants are not required to pay any additional fees during the application process. Please be reminded not to offer any advantage to any EdUHK staff, officer, employee, and/or any person involved in the admission process at EdUHK in connection with any application. Otherwise, you may commit serious criminal offences under Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201 of the laws of Hong Kong), which is punishable by imprisonment.

Making, submitting or using any false instrument (including forged documents) are serious criminal offences under the Crimes Ordinance (Cap. 200 of the laws of Hong Kong). A person committing the offences relating to forgery or false instruments is liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment. The University shall consider the relevant evidence and report suspicious cases to the Hong Kong Police. The University reserves the right to take appropriate legal actions against persons who make, forge or use a false instrument for admission and any other academic purposes before, during and after the admission process.