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EdUHK Undergraduate Programme Nominations Scheme
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The EdUHK Undergraduate Programme Nominations Scheme (UPNS) aims to attract young talents who aspire to develop to their fullest potentials and to serve the school community. Our UPNS is different from the School Principal's Nominations (SPN) Scheme under JUPAS which is specially designed for schools to nominate students who have contributed to social services, or made outstanding achievements in non-academic areas such as sports, music, social services, other cultural activities, or who have demonstrated leadership abilities. It is a deep collaboration with our school partners aimed at selecting students with the potential to become outstanding educators and future professionals.

The UPNS has been expanded to accept nomination of students to all of our UGC-funded undergraduates programmes, i.e. BA / BSc / BSocSc and Teacher-Education double degree programmes in response to some requests from our school partners that they wish to enjoy more flexibility in their nominations.

The UPNS has received over 1,000 nominations in each of the past years since its inception in 2012/13.


  1. EdUHK will contact the nominees providing with the latest programme information, timely advice and necessary assistance during the admission process.
  2. Nominees shortlisted by the respective subject departments will be interviewed in June (before the release of HKDSE examination results). Students with excellent performance in the interview will be given priority of admission, if deemed appropriate.
  3. Nominees will be invited to join the "Buddy Scheme" under which one of our undergraduate students will become their buddy. He/she will contact the nominees after the HKDSE examination to share his/her learning experiences at the University and provide useful tips and advice throughout the admission process.
  4. The UPNS has been linked with entrance scholarship schemes associated with some school sponsoring bodies. For details, please visit here.

Nomination Route for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students

EdUHK is committed to offering equal opportunity for NCS students to receive university education. We trust that language barrier (i.e. Chinese) should not be an obstacle for NCS students to gain admission to our programmes in particular those using English as the medium of instruction. With this, the University has implemented this admission route for NCS students since 2017/18 academic year.

Each school can nominate up to FOUR S6 NCS students* to the University. NCS students will be assessed in the same manner as those being nominated under the regular route. They will be interviewed in June, if deemed necessary, and will be assessed on an individual basis, taking into consideration their academic performance, non-academic achievements, school reference reports, their chosen programmes under JUPAS, etc.

* For NCS students who have met the specified circumstances as announced by the Education Bureau (EDB), the University accepts the Alternative Qualifications in Chinese Language (ACL), such as GCE (A-level / AS-level) (Grade E), GCE (O-Level) (Grade C), GCSE (Grade C / Grade 4), IGCSE (Grade C / Grade 4) and HKDSE ApL(C) (Attained), as equivalent to Level 3 in DSE Chinese Language for meeting the minimum Chinese Language requirements and for calculation of the related admission scores, except for programmes which require students to have possessed a good command of Chinese (i.e. JS8003, JS8005 and JS8674).

Nomination Criteria

  1. The nominees through the School Principal's Nominations (SPN) Scheme under JUPAS can be nominated to the UPNS at the same time.
  2. Normally, each school can nominate up to TEN S6 students and FOUR S6 NCS students.
  3. The nominees must:
    • place the chosen EdUHK undergraduate programme(s) as Band A choice in JUPAS application (NOT including Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education);
    • be rated "Excellent" or "Good" in ALL of the 13 attributes in the School Reference Report;
    • demonstrate a high standard of academic performance or strong achievements in non-academic area (such as in sports / music / visual arts / social services); and
    • be prepared to commit themselves to the betterment of our society.

Nomination Methods

Participating schools can submit the nomination form via uploading to the online platform. Please make sure that the following information is available before filling in the nomination form:

  1. Personal information of the nominees (i.e. Full Name in English and JUPAS Application Number); and
  2. JUPAS Catalogue No. of the chosen EdUHK programme(s) (Programme Choice(s) in Band A); and
  3. Download and complete the nomination form; and
  4. The nomination form has been stamped by the official school seal; and
  5. Upload the completed nomination form via online submission below.

Nomination Form and Submission

Step 1: Download and complete the nomination form
Step 2: Online Submission

Should you wish to make any amendments to a submitted nomination, please email us at

Important Dates

The nomination period runs from November 2024 to 21 March 2025. 

In general, the shortlisted nominees will be invited for interview in June before the release of the HKDSE examination results. Please click here to view the interview schedule. But if a nominee has not been invited to the interview in June, he/she should NOT assume that his/her JUPAS application is not being considered.

However, if the shortlisted nominees do not attend the interview(s) in June which are specially arranged for them but attend the interview(s) with other applicants after the release of HKDSE examination results in July, they will no longer enjoy the privilege of admission priority given by the UPNS.


(852) 2948 6886


Probity Requirements
Other than the application fee, applicants are not required to pay any additional fees during the application process. Please be reminded not to offer any advantage to any EdUHK staff, officer, employee, and/or any person involved in the admission process at EdUHK in connection with any application. Otherwise, you may commit serious criminal offences under Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201 of the laws of Hong Kong), which is punishable by imprisonment.

Making, submitting or using any false instrument (including forged documents) are serious criminal offences under the Crimes Ordinance (Cap. 200 of the laws of Hong Kong). A person committing the offences relating to forgery or false instruments is liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment. The University shall consider the relevant evidence and report suspicious cases to the Hong Kong Police. The University reserves the right to take appropriate legal actions against persons who make, forge or use a false instrument for admission and any other academic purposes before, during and after the admission process.