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Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
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Programme Description

The BA(TCSL) programme aims to nurture professionals in teaching Chinese as a Second Language. Students enrolled in this programme will be equipped with: (i) interdisciplinary knowledge including Chinese language and pedagogy, as well as educational psychology; and (ii) the ability to analyse issues related to Chinese teaching in the context of multilingualism and globalisation.

Study Mode Normal Period of Study JUPAS Code EdUHK Programme Code
Full-time 2 Years (for Senior Year Admissions) N/A A4B087
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Programme Aims

The BA(TCSL) programme aims to graduate students who have the following attributes:

  1. perform a mediating role between theory and practice in teaching Chinese as a second language with demonstrative knowledge in classroom organization, curriculum development, textbook design, and language assessment;
  2. demonstrate a sound understanding of Chinese language and develop high proficiencies in Chinese and English in both oral and written skills;
  3. exhibit the ability to communicate effectively with speakers from various cultural regions, plus analytical skills to issues and concerns in language use in the context of multilingualism and globalization; and
  4. improve as critical thinkers with high moral and ethical standards and reflective learners who can always self-improve through life-long practice.

The BA(TCSL) programme offers a “Chinese Language Strand” to its senior year entrants. Upon completion of this strand, students will be recognized by Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) as graduates of a Chinese major degree. They will be eligible for Specialized Teaching under the current government policy and can further apply for local Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) programmes. This “Chinese Language Strand” is exclusively for the BA(TCSL) senior year entrants.

Note: The title “Chinese Language Strand” will appear in students’ academic transcript upon successful graduation.

In addition, “Chinese Language Strand” aims to equip students with:

  1. comprehensive subject knowledge in Chinese language (including Phonetics, Semantics, Grammar, Etymology, etc.) and latest approaches in L2 acquisition and child language development; and
  2. the awareness of interpreting issues related to phenomena in language use and language learning by using knowledge of Chinese language, literature and culture.


Programme Structure (for Senior Year Entrants)#

Domain Credit Points (cps)


  • Major Courses (24 cps)
  • Major Interdisciplinary Course (3 cps)
  • Cross-Faculty Core Course (3 cps)
Electives (including Strand) 15
Field Experience 3
University ePortfolio 3
General Education / Language Enhancement / Experiential Learning 3
Final Year Project
  • Research Methods (3 cps)
  • Honours Project / Capstone Project (3 cps)
Total: 60

(1) Classes will be held in Tai Po Campus and Tseung Kwan O Study Centre / North Point Study Centre / Sports Centre / Kowloon Tong Satellite Study Centre as decided by the University.

# Students admitted into this programme are required to visit the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and/or other parts of Mainland China. Programme may also require students to participate in other non-local learning experience for completion of the programme. While the visits are heavily subsidised, students are still required to contribute part of the estimated cost of the visits ("student contribution"), whereas personal entertainment, meals expenses, travel document fee and personal insurance costs will not be supported. The estimated cost of the visits for students admitted to the 2024/25 cohort is not available yet as it is subject to a variety of factors such as changes to the cost of the visits as a result of inflation, trip duration, traveling expenses, the exchange rate, etc. The exact amount of student contribution is thus not available.

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The Major courses are designed to equip students with deep understanding on Chinese Language and L2 teaching.

Course Title
1 古代漢語
Classical Chinese Language
2 現代漢語
Modern Chinese Language
3 中國現代文學
Modern Chinese Literature
4 語文教學與資訊科技素養
Chinese Language Teaching and Literary of Information Technology
5 漢語二語教學法(一):聽說教學
Chinese L2 Teaching Pedagogy I: Listening and Speaking
6 漢語二語教學法(二):讀寫教學
Chinese L2 Teaching Pedagogy II: Reading and Writing
7 Child Language Development
8 Intercultural Communication
9 Major Interdisciplinary Course
10 Cross-faculty Core Course


Chinese Language Strand

Students taking this strand are required to complete the following set of Major courses:

Course Title
1 古代漢語
Classical Chinese Language
2 現代漢語
Modern Chinese Language
3 中國現代文學
Modern Chinese Literature
4 漢字學
Chinese Etymology
5 漢語語音學
Chinese Phonetics and Phonology
6 漢語二語教學法(一):聽說教學
Chinese L2 Teaching Pedagogy I: Listening and Speaking
7 漢語二語教學法(二):讀寫教學
Chinese L2 Teaching Pedagogy II: Reading and Writing
8 Child Language Development
9 Major Interdisciplinary Course
10 Cross-faculty Core Course


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Students can choose to take electives offered by the BA(TCSL) programme to strengthen their subject knowledge, or the courses available in the University’s Elective Course List and General Education. Students may also use the cps under this domain to study towards Minors (except Minor in Teaching Chinese as an International Language) or Second Majors offered by FHM and other Faculties.

Students may be required to take extra cps to fulfill the requirement of obtaining a Second Major.

Chinese Language Strand

Students taking this Strand are required to use the 15 cps available in Elective domain to study elective courses in the following domains throughout the period of their study on the programme.

The list of courses is as follows:

No Course Title
Chinese L2 Teaching (Choose any 1)
1 國際漢語課程與教材設計
Curriculum and teaching material design for International Chinese
2 國際漢語教學與評估
Teaching and assessment of International Chinese
3 語文教學與資訊科技素養
Chinese Language Teaching and Literary of Information Technology
4 中國語文課程(非華語學生)單元教學設計及開發
Instructional design & development of Chinese Lang for NCS
5 Intercultural Communication
6 Chinese-English Contrastive Grammar
Chinese Cultural Study (Choose any 1)
7 中國傳統人生哲學
Traditional Chinese Philosophy of Life
8 中國文化概說
Introduction to Chinese Culture
9 儒道文化互動
Cultural Interaction in Confucianism and Taoism
10 English for Cross-Cultural Communication in the Greater Bay Area and Beyond
Chinese Language and Literature (Choose any 3)
11 漢語修辭學
Chinese Rhetoric
12 兒童文學
Children’s Literature
13 中國古代文學(一)(先秦 - 隋唐)
Classical Chinese Literature (I) (From Pre-Qin to Sui and Tang)
14 中國古代文學(二)(宋 - 清)
Classical Chinese Literature (II) (From Song to Qing)
15 專家詩
Works of Major Poets
16 香港文學
Literature in Hong Kong
17 中國文學批評
Chinese Literary Criticism


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Students are required to participate in the Field Experience in their Semester 2, Year 3. The Field Experience consists of (1) local school visits and (2) a 4-week Field Experience (tentatively during May - June) in the international colleges of non-local universities. It aims to help students develop a comprehensive understanding of teaching Chinese as a second language through a range of structured activities from school visits to block practice in varied school settings.

It is a 3-cp ‘capstone’ course which requires students approaching the end of their undergraduate studies both to reflect critically on their experience – within General Education, in their disciplinary, professional and co-curricular studies, and in their lives beyond the classroom – and to develop an integrated view of how and where they position themselves in relation to their future goals, plans, and aspirations. Students have to take the course in the semester of study assigned by individual programmes.

Students are required to take a total of 3 cps in the domains of General Education, Experiential Learning or Language Enhancement.

  1. General Education Breadth Course domain: It consists of General Education Breadth Learning Strands (1-3) (GELS) (Level 1-2), Positive and Values Education (PAVE) Course and General Education Interdisciplinary Course (GEIC) (Level 4), which aim to equip students better for the study of the ontological, epistemological and/or methodological issues in a wide variety of disciplines. There is no pre-requisite for GE courses for Senior Year students.
  2. Experiential Learning domain: It consists of Co-curricular and Service Learning Course (CSLC) and Experiential Learning Course (ELC), which aims to provide students with an opportunity to engage in learning in action and encourages students to learn through experimentation, observation, reflection and (re-)conceptualization.
  3. Language Enhancement: The University is committed to nurturing graduates who will acquire trilingual proficiency in English, Putonghua and Chinese. Interested students may take “University English” or “Skills for English Language Tests” offered by the Centre for Language in Education (CLE) or “Intermediate Putonghua” offered by the Department of Chinese Language Studies (CHL).

The Final Year Project comprises of two 3-credit point courses:

  • Honours Project I/Capstone Project I: Introduction of research methods and proposal in Year 4 Semester 2.
  • Honours Project II/Capstone Project II: A one-year project to be conducted in the final year. Students can choose their topic from either their First Major or Education Studies, and will complete an individual project under the supervision by an academic staff.

a. Honours Project I/Capstone Project I: Research Methods and Proposal (3 cps)

The course “Honours Project I/Capstone Project I” consists of two parts:

Part A “Generic Research Methods” (1.5 cps) introduces basic research knowledge and principles of research methods for students to use and/or conduct research in education and related disciplines, and ethical issues in the research process.

Part B “Methods for Specific Area in Preparation of Honours Project/Capstone Project” (1.5 cps) prepares students to develop a proposal for conducting a research-based/project-based study in their chosen areas.

b. Honours Project II: Research Report/Capstone Project II: Project Output (3 cps)

Honours Project

The course “Honours Project II” is a continuation of the course Honours Project I. It provides opportunities for students to conduct research independently under the guidance of their supervisors.

Capstone Project

The course “Capstone Project II” is a continuation of the course Capstone Project I. It provides opportunities for students to complete an individual project under the guidance of their supervisors.

Students admitted to the BA(TCSL) programme with a normal study period of two years will be exempted from the Language Enhancement Courses and Language Exit requirements.

To demonstrate the attainment of ITCE, students are required to pass all the required courses in the Programme and to complete the IT e-Portfolio Checking before graduation.

Career Prospects/Professional Qualifications

The BA(TCSL) programme aims to produce graduates with high Chinese and English proficiency, who possess solid subject knowledge for their career in teaching Chinese to non-Chinese students in public schools, local/overseas international schools, kindergartens, or other education agencies. The concentration on professional knowledge in TCSL and the diversity of graduates’ career opportunities distinguish BA(TCSL) from similar programmes currently offered by local and non-local universities in the domain of Chinese Studies.

Graduates may apply for local PGDE programmes or overseas qualified teaching programmes when they plan the career to be a Chinese teacher.

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Any aspect of the courses and course offerings (including, without limitation, the contents of the course and the manner in which the course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University if necessary. Without limiting the generality of the University’s discretion to revise the courses and course offerings, it is envisaged that changes may be required due to factors including staffing, enrolment levels, logistical arrangements, curriculum changes, and other factors caused by change of circumstances. Tuition fees, once paid, are non-refundable.

In the event of inconsistency between information in English and Chinese versions or where an interpretation of the programme content is required, the decision of the University shall be final.