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Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Heritage Education and Arts Management
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Programme Short Name Study Mode Normal Period of Study JUPAS Code EdUHK Programme Code
BA(HE&AM) Full-time 4 Years (Year 1 Admissions)
2 Years (Senior Year Admissions)
JS8687 A4B097
Enquiry (Admissions) Programme Leader Enquiry (Programme) Programme Booklet Programme Website
(852) 2948 6886
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Dr YIP Tak Ping Terry
(852) 2948 8212 
Mr LO Tsun Leung Jasper
(852) 2948 7921 
Programme Booklet Programme Website

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Programme Introduction

The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Heritage Education and Arts Management programme furnishes students with the knowledge, mindset and skills required to meet career demands in the fields of arts, cultural, heritage and museum education. It complements global and local trends of enhancing citizens’ all-round development in formal and non-formal arts and cultural education. Building on the strong partnerships between The Education University of Hong Kong and heritage and arts institutes nationally, regionally and internationally, the programme is interdisciplinary, and focuses on enhancing the work-related competencies of practitioners. The programme contributes to the education process and competitiveness of Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and the region by encouraging the development of citizens who are culturally competent and values-inspired.

Programme Features

  • Cross-discipline curriculum covering cultural and heritage education, museum education, arts administration and management, and technology-enhanced learning

  • A practitioner-based approach focuses on building the skills necessary for careers in the arts, cultural, heritage, and museum education and management

  • Strong partnership with universities and heritage and arts institutes nationally, regionally, and internationally

  • Opportunities to meet and work with local, national and overseas academics, museum experts, arts leaders, entrepreneurs, and front-line practitioners

  • Field-study, visit and internship in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, and other Mainland cities

Programme Structure

Domain Credit Points (cps)
Year 1 Admissions Senior Year Admissions
 - Major 69 51
 - Cross-Faculty Core Course
 - Major Interdisciplinary Course
 - Internship
Electives (including Designated Minors) 15 /
General Education 22 3
Language Enhancement 9 /
Final Year Project 6 6
Total: 121 60

(1) Classes will be held in Tai Po Campus and Tseung Kwan O Study Centre / North Point Study Centre / Sports Centre / Kowloon Tong Satellite Study Centre as decided by the University. 
(2) Students admitted into this programme are required to visit the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and/or other parts of Mainland China. The programme may also require students to participate in other non-local learning experience for completion of the programme. While the visits are subsidised, students are required to contribute part of the estimated cost of the visits ("students’ contribution"), whereas any personal entertainment, meals expenses, travel document fee and personal insurance costs shall be at students’ own expense. The estimated cost of the visits and students’ contribution for students admitted to the coming cohort is yet to be available due to a variety of factors such as inflation of cost of the visits, trip duration, traveling expenses, the exchange rate, etc.  

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The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Heritage Education and Arts Management programme emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach and integrates professional expertise across four pillars: Cultural and Heritage Education, Museum Education, Arts Administration and Management, and Technology-enhanced Education. Besides coursework, students are required to complete a total of 200 hours of internship at a heritage or arts-related agency over approximately 6 to 8 weeks in the summer (July to August). The internship experience will provide students with real-world working experience, preparing them for a future career in heritage education and arts management.

Career Prospects/Professional Recognition

Graduates of this BA(HE&AM) programme have competence in integrating education, management and technology for careers related to heritage, museums, and the arts. They are prepared for employment in a wide variety of sectors, including education, government and non-government organizations. They have constructive abilities to bring to galleries, arts centres, and cultural organizations as well as private and social enterprises, working in jobs ranging from heritage/ museum/ arts/ project/ event/ stage managers to arts/ cultural/education/ youth services and relations/ digital communications officers. The developments of the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) and the Greater Bay Area provide new vistas and new prospects for our graduates. They are well equipped to seize the opportunities that will be presented.

Career Prospects:

  • Cultural heritage/ Museum/ Arts/ Cultural and educational activities
  • Museum/ Gallery/ Exhibition venue facilities management
  • Assistant curator/ Arts consultant work

What Our Student Says 


In the Heritage Education and Arts Management Programme, I learned how to integrate traditional cultural education with modern teaching methods and acquired skills in planning and managing cultural projects. This has given me a new understanding and practical experience in cultural heritage and management.

Du Qiuyu

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Heritage Education and Arts Management 


Note: As the 2025/26 academic year is the beginning of the 2025/26 - 2027/28 triennium, the programmes to be offered in the 2025-28 triennium with allocation of UGC-funded places are still subject to the Government's approval.

Any aspect of the courses and course offerings (including, without limitation, the contents of the course and the manner in which the course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University if necessary. Without limiting the generality of the University’s discretion to revise the courses and course offerings, it is envisaged that changes may be required due to factors including staffing, enrolment levels, logistical arrangements, curriculum changes, and other factors caused by change of circumstances. Tuition fees, once paid, are non-refundable.

In the event of inconsistency between information in English and Chinese versions or where an interpretation of the programme content is required, the decision of the University shall be final.