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Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Early Childhood Education)
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Programme Code A1P018 C2P040
Mode of Study One-year Full-time Two-year Part-time
Programme Leader Dr Lo Kit Mei Jammie Dr Hu Xinyun Annie

Programme Video

Programme Aims

This Programme of initial teacher education prepares graduates to achieve competence and confidence in working in the early childhood education sector. It aims to develop students' professional knowledge, skills and attitudes required for effective teaching and administration in a broad range of early childhood education settings.

Programme Features

This Programme focuses on nurturing students’ professional knowledge, skills and attitudes for incorporation into teaching practice, enabling them to gradually develop into competent early childhood educators and administrators in ECE settings. 

It fosters students’ ability to promote the integration of theory and practice and to critically translate programme content into workplace practice.

Programme Structure

Students of full-time programme are normally required to attend four to five study days* per week in semester I, and at least three days per week in semester II. Students of part-time programme are normally required to attend two 3-hour classes per week each semester. For full-time programme, classes in the same or different semester(s) are normally held in the daytime/evening on weekdays and/or Saturdays at the Tai Po Campus and/or Tseung Kwan O Study Centre/ North Point Study Centre/ Kowloon Tong Satellite Study Centre/ other locations as decided by the University. For part-time programme, classes in the same or different semester(s) are normally held in the evening on weekdays and/or daytime on Saturdays at the Tai Po Campus and/or Tseung Kwan O Study Centre/ North Point Study Centre/ Kowloon Tong Satellite Study Centre/ other locations as decided by the University. Participants must thoroughly consider their travel arrangements and time back to the campus/centres to attend face-to-face classes punctually. Different modes of delivery (including face-to-face classes), teaching and learning activities as well as assessment methods will be adopted as deemed appropriate. Both full-time and part-time programmes comprise a programme orientation and the following domains:

1. General Methods 7 cps 9 cps
2. Education Studies 12 cps 12 cps
3. Electives 3 cps 3 cps
4. Field Experience 6 cps 6 cps
5. Common Core 2 cps -
Total 30 cps 30 cps

* Subject to change due to the timetabling arrangement of the University
^ Starting from the 2025/26 cohort, students admitted to the full-time Postgraduate Diploma in Education programmes are required to fulfil the “Exit Requirements for Teachers’ Professional Conduct and Ethics”, which consists of three components:
1) Fulfilment of assessment requirements of Field Experience;
2) Satisfactory completion of two required courses related to Teachers’ Professional Conduct and Ethics;
3) Fulfilment of relevant co-curricular requirement.

Important Note: Students admitted into the full-time PGDE(ECE) programme are required to visit the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and/or other parts of Mainland China. The programme may also require students to participate in other non-local learning experience for completion of the programme. While the visits are subsidised, students are required to contribute part of the estimated cost of the visits ("students’ contribution"), whereas any personal entertainment, meals expenses, travel document fee and personal insurance costs shall be at students’ own expense. The estimated cost of the visits and students’ contribution for students admitted to the coming cohort is yet to be available due to a variety of factors such as inflation of cost of the visits, trip duration, traveling expenses, the exchange rate, etc.

Programme Orientation

All students must attend a programme orientation which includes information sessions about the curriculum, campus facilities and services, as well as an IT workshop.

General Methods

The General Methods domain helps students acquire the necessary understanding and expertise for promoting young children's holistic development and learning in all domains. This component includes the study of the theory and practice of integrated curriculum, contemporary pedagogical approaches as well as assessment of learning. The courses are:

  • Enhancing Children's Creativity and Self-Expression
  • Promoting Language and Literacy in Early Childhood
  • Scientific and Mathematical Explorations for Young Children

Education Studies

The Education Studies domain provides students with an understanding of the elements of educational foundation disciplines, including an understanding of children's development and the learning process, the contexts of development and education, as well as ensuring that all aspects of the programme are linked in a systematic and synergistic way to cater for the diverse needs of young children. The courses are:

  • Child Development
  • Learning and Teaching
  • Understanding Children and Families with Diverse Needs
  • Preschool Management and Parent Involvement: Ethics and Practice (For Full-time only)
  • Sustainable Preschool Management and Parent Involvement (For Part-time only)

Common Core (For Full-time only)

The Common Core domain incorporates three areas of new curriculum emphasis, which aim to prepare students of FT PGDE(ECE) to be future ready, equip them with the necessary skills to meet diverse workplace/school requirements and offer them GBA/Mainland experience.

Domain Curriculum Emphasis Credit Points
Common Core 1. Digital Competency 1
2. Legal Knowledge and National and National Security Education 1
3. GBA/Mainland Experience N/A
(embedded into the course)+

+ The “GBA/Mainland experience” (at least 2 days 1 night) will be embedded as part of the assessment of the course “Enhancing Children’s Creativity and Self-Expression” without a designated cp for this component.


The Electives domain offers students with extended studies that may be curriculum-related or professional-development-oriented. Students are required to choose one out of the following three courses+ according to their own professional needs and/or interests:

  • Drama and Play in Early Years
  • Enhancing Children’s Psycho-social and Physical Well-being
  • Strategies in Supporting Children with Diverse Needs

+ Electives will be offered in both CMI and EMI but they are subject to the option most part-time students choose in that medium of instruction (MoI).

Field Experience

The Field Experience domain comprises the following three main elements:

  1. Block Practice / Supervised Teaching
    Students will be guided by the University's supervisors to try out what they have learnt in the General Methods, Education Studies and Electives courses and to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching in the placement schools (full-time programme) / serving schools (part-time programme) during the supervisory teaching visits*. Students are then encouraged to seek ways to improve their teaching with the guidance of the University's supervisors.
  2. Field Experience e-Portfolio
    This domain includes analysis of students’ own conception of teaching, reflective records of tryouts of teaching strategies and approaches introduced in various courses.
  3. Educational Visit
    Students will have the opportunity to visit child care centres / crèches and primary schools. 

* For Part-time PGDE(ECE) programme, supervisory visits will be arranged in students' serving schools teaching children at 3-6 years old.

Important Note: The University requires students of our full-time teacher education programmes to declare all records of conviction and prosecution of sex-related offence in Hong Kong or elsewhere, and report on whether they are involved in any ongoing criminal proceedings or investigations, and to provide relevant details prior to the undertaking of teaching practice. The University reserves the right to deny students with records of conviction or prosecution of sex-related offence attendance or access to the block teaching practice, whereby their graduation requirements of the programmes will not be met.

Medium of Instruction

Full-time Programme

The medium of instruction is Chinese and/or English for the full-time programme. Applicant’s adequate proficiency in both Chinese and English is required, if appropriate. English is adopted as the language of instruction for relevant courses. Combined classes with students of the part-time programme would be arranged where necessary. 

The full-time programme offers a stream of Chinese and English (CEMI) and an English stream (EMI). Applicants have to choose which medium of instruction they prefer upon application.

Part-time Programme

The part-time programme offers a Chinese stream (CMI) and an EMI. Applicants have to choose which medium of instruction they prefer upon application. 

  • Chinese as the medium of instruction
    The medium of instruction is mainly Chinese. English may be adopted as the language of instruction for relevant courses, as appropriate.
  • English as the medium of instruction
    The medium of instruction is mainly English.

Digital Competency Requirement (DCR)

Changes in emerging technologies have placed at the forefront the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will equip students with the required level of Digital Competency Requirement (DCR) to succeed. In recognition of the impacts of technologies, students who are admitted in 2025/26 can fulfill the DCR by completing IT e-Portfolio Checking (ITEP).

For details of ITEP, please refer to the website at

Career Prospects / Professional Qualifications

Graduates of this programme will be eligible to apply for registration as Qualified Kindergarten Teachers recognised by the Education Bureau, Child Care Workers and Child Care Supervisors recognised by the Social Welfare Department.

Entrance Requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants should normally:

For One-year Full-time Programme 

  • hold a recognised Bachelor's degree, or equivalent;

For Two-year Part-time Programme 

  • hold a recognised Bachelor's degree, or equivalent; and
  • be serving teachers* in early childhood education settings registered with Education Bureau in Hong Kong or in early childhood education settings where the curriculum aligns with the stipulated settings Note in the Greater Bay Area.

    * Applicants are required to teach a regular class of at least 10 children aged 3-6 years old at least 90 minutes per day for 10 consecutive days in Year One and at least 120 minutes per day for 15 consecutive days in both semesters in Year Two for the supervisory teaching period. (Please submit the completed recommendation form with your application.) 

    • The Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide published by the Education Bureau (e.g. the schools for Hong Kong children 港人子弟學校);
    • The Early Learning and Development Guidelines for Children Aged 3 to 6 Years (3-6 歲兒童學習與發展指南) published by the Ministry of Education (e.g. the inclusive kindergartens 普惠性幼兒園); or
    • The international educational programmes for children aged 3 to 6 years (e.g. the international schools following the International Baccalaureate curriculum for children aged 3 to 6 years).

Shortlisted applicants may be required to attend an interview.



  Admission Programme
Tel (852) 2948 6886 (852) 2948 8112
Email: FT PGDE(ECE):


  Programme Leader
(One-year Full-time)
Programme Leader
(Two-year Part-time)
Name Dr Lo Kit Mei Jammie Dr Hu Xinyun Annie
Tel (852) 2948 7644 (852) 2948 8062



We are accepting applications for admission to our part-time PGDE(ECE) programme for the 2025 entry. 

(Note: For PGDE programmes, please select "Taught Postgraduate" for application type and relevant admission term (i.e. SEMESTER 1, 2025-26) in our online application system.)

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this website. Changes to any aspects of the programmes may be made from time to time as due to change of circumstances and the University reserves the right to revise any information contained in this website as it deems fit without prior notice. The University accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from any use or misuse of or reliance on any information contained in this website.

Any aspect of the courses and course offerings (including, without limitation, the contents of the course and the manner in which the course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University if necessary. Without limiting the generality of the University’s discretion to revise the courses and course offerings, it is envisaged that changes may be required due to factors including staffing, enrolment levels, logistical arrangements, curriculum changes, and other factors caused by change of circumstances. Tuition fees, once paid, are non-refundable.

EdUHK is one of the teacher education providers in Hong Kong. Graduates of the University’s teacher education programmes are eligible to apply to become fully qualified Registered Teachers. For registration as a teacher, graduates should approach the Teacher Registration Team of the Education Bureau (EDB) to submit applications directly. All applications will be independently assessed by the EDB which will consider, among other things, whether an applicant has been convicted of any criminal offence (including sex-related offences) in Hong Kong or elsewhere, or is involved in any ongoing criminal proceedings or investigations. For details, please browse the EDB’s official website.

In the event of inconsistency between information in English and Chinese versions or where an interpretation of the programme content is required, the decision of the University shall be final.

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