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News & Schedules

PGDE 2024 Entry Admission Schedule

Application for admission to our FT PGDE(ECE), FT & PT PGDE(Primary)/(Secondary) and PT PGDE(PVE) programmes was closed.

We are accepting late applications for admission to our PT PGDE(ECE) programme.

Date / Time Event
3 January 2024 (Wednesday)
(Hong Kong time 12:00 noon)
Main round application deadline for both Local and Non-local applicants
Late January – February 2024 Admission interviews/tests (Shortlisted applicants will be notified individually via email and Online Application System)
March - August 2024 Successful applicants will receive individual notifications by e-mail.

The selection process is normally completed by the end of August. Applicants who have not been offered admission by that date may assume their applications unsuccessful. No individual notifications will be sent to unsuccessful applicants or waitlisted applicants.


Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers

The Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers (the Scholarship) is set up by the Education Bureau, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as one of a series of measures to enhance the professionalism of English teachers in Hong Kong. The aim of the Scholarship is to attract persons proficient in English to pursue relevant local bachelor degree programmes and/or teacher training programmes which will qualify them to become English teachers on graduation. The amount of scholarship per annum is $50,000 (local students) and $80,000 (non-local students) respectively. For details of application requirements and procedures, please refer to

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