Programme Code | Study Mode | Normal Period of Study | Venue | Programme Leader |
C3B001 | Part-time | 3 Years | Tai Po Campus / Tseung Kwan O Study Centre / North Point Study Centre / satellite study center at urban locations as decided by the University | Ms Carman Ho |
Enquiry (Admissions) | Enquiry (Programme) |
(852) 2948 6886 |
(852) 2948 7131 |
Programme Video
Programme Aims
This programme assists qualified early childhood educators to become highly competent, innovative and ethical professionals who are able to contribute to the development of quality programmes for young children and their families in Hong Kong.
The teaching methods of this programme aim to encourage students to challenge and extend their understanding of early childhood education in general, and their own practice in particular. Approaches to teaching are generally interactive and non-didactic. Students will be encouraged to reflect and build on their practical experience through participation in workshops, seminars and tutorials in a stimulating teaching and learning environment.
Special Features
- A rich selection of nine specialisation streams offering an extensive choice of over 50 elective courses, allowing students to develop expertise tailor-made for diversified professional pathways in early childhood settings.
- Engaging in critical and reflective pedagogical practices to address the developmental and cultural needs of children.
- Empowering a new generation of early childhood education leaders with a global perspective
- Designed and operated by EdUHK’s Department of Early Childhood Education. The ECE Department has trained more than 80% of local kindergarten teachers and is one of the largest early childhood education departments in Asia and the world. The department has a prolific scholarly output and quality teaching teams in early childhood education.
- Multiple campus locations and offer Cantonese and English classes to cater for in-service teachers’ learning needs
- Recognised by the Education Bureau (EDB) as fulfilling one of the requirements for registration as a kindergarten principal. *
- Graduates who completed the specified courses in the field “Diverse Needs” will be considered as having acquired training on the One-year In-service Course in Special Child Care Work recognized by the Social Welfare Department*.
* As required by the Education Bureau (EDB), all new kindergarten principals from the 2009/10 school year should possess a degree in early childhood education. Graduates of this Course are recognized by the EDB as meeting one of the requirements for registration as kindergarten principals in Hong Kong. Registration on professional qualifications as a kindergarten principal is subject to individuals’ relevant work experience and further principalship training, and is subject to EDB’s final approval.
**Graduates of this programme who have been teaching in special child care service units and have completed the required courses in “Diverse Needs” will be considered as having acquired training on the One-year In-service Course in Special Child Care Work recognized by the Social Welfare Department. Students may be required to provide proof of service for taking the courses in “Diverse Needs”. The University reserves the right to approve students' eligibility for enrolling in specific courses under the “Diverse Needs” category.
This programme is suitable for aspiring or current early childhood educators who are keen to develop as middle management professionals, such as head teachers responsible for curriculum planning or administration, or as principals in kindergartens.
Programme Structure
This is a three-year part-time programme consisting of 60 credit points (cps). It is designed as an "add-on" to the in-service Certificate / Higher Diploma in Kindergarten Education Programme (CE(KG) / HD(KG)), or the pre-service Certificate / Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education Programme (CE(ECE) / HD(ECE)) or equivalent. This programme comprises the following domains:
Domain | Credit Points (cps) | |
Major | Core | 9 |
Interdisciplinary Course | 3 | |
Electives | 18 | |
Education Studies | 12 | |
Field Experience | 6 | |
Final Year Project | Honours Project I / Capstone Project I: Research Methods and Proposal | 3 |
Honours Project II: Research Report / Capstone Project II: Project Output | 3 | |
General Education | 3 | |
English Enhancement Course | 3 | |
Total: | 60 |
Major helps students appreciate the importance of professional excellence, ethical responsibility and innovation to the role of an early childhood educator. We aim for our graduates to become experienced early childhood educators and capable leaders who are caring and competent, intellectually enthusiastic, socially committed, and globally aware.
Core courses give students the chance to study teaching and learning from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students will study early childhood education from psychological, sociological, philosophical, pedagogical and other perspectives. Students will develop a range of skills necessary for professional practice, such as problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, communication, social interaction, ethical decision making and global perspectives.
The core courses are:
- Child Health, Safety and Welfare
- Children in Transition
- Emergent Literacy
Interdisciplinary Course
- The interdisciplinary course namely “Working with Families from Diverse Backgrounds”# strengthens students’ leadership role in enhancing home-school collaboration with the help of innovative policies and empowering practices.
Category 1Note 1
For all elective areas, students are required to take five elective courses from at least two of following seven elective streams of study:
- Chinese Language and Literacy Note 2
- Mathematics and Science
- Creativity and Aesthetics: Arts
- Creativity and Aesthetics: Music and Movement
- Child and Family Well-being
- Diverse Needs
- Leadership, Policy and Innovation
Note 1: Students who wish to be considered as having training in Special Child Care Work recognized by the Social Welfare Department are required to take 4 compulsory courses in the Diverse Needs area and 1 elective course from another area of study.
Note 2: Some courses in Chinese Language and Literacy area will be conducted in Cantonese /Putonghua only.
Category 2
Students are required to take one of the following courses:
- Art II
- An Introduction to Modern Chinese Language*
- Academic English: Writing and Reading#
- Introduction to Chinese Culture*
- Mathematics II - Mathematics for Early Childhood Educators*
- Music II
- Physical Education II
- Putonghua II*
- Chinese (Putonghua) for non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students*
- Science II*
- Social Studies II
* Courses will be conducted in Cantonese/Putonghua only.
# Courses will be conducted in English only.
Education Studies
In this domain, students employ the principles and theories on early childhood education, which develop students’ global awareness of early childhood care and education of the current trends on child studies and development.
The ES courses are:
- Current Curriculum Issues in Early Childhood Education
- Comparative Early Childhood Education
- Current Trends in Child Development and Assessment
- Theoretical Perspectives on Early Childhood Practice
Field Experience
The Field Experience that composed of Integrated Field Experience I (2cps) and Integrated Field Experience II (4cps) aims to assist students to innovate and reflect on their practice that builds on students' foundation of situated knowledge and field experience. It helps students critically reflect on their practice and enrich their theoretical knowledge of early childhood practice. Students are expected to develop and implement theory-based teaching Note 3 in an early childhood education setting in Hong Kong Note 4 for enhancing teaching and learning.
Note 3: Students specializing in Diverse Needs area are required to develop their Field Experience study in Diverse Needs.
Note 4: According to EDB requirement, supervisory visits will be arranged in students’ serving school with children aged 3-6 years old.
Final Year Project
- Honours Project I / Capstone Project I: Introduction of research methods and proposal in Semester 2 of Year 2; and
- Honours Project II / Capstone Project II: A one-year project to be conducted in the final year. Students can choose their topic from either their Major or Education Studies, and will complete an individual project under the supervision by an academic staff. Note 5
Note 5: Students specializing in Diverse Needs area are required to develop their Honours Project II /Capstone Project II study in Diverse Needs.
General Education
Students are required to take one 3-cp course selected from a list of General Education (GE) courses which cover a variety of areas, including positive thinking, stress management, healthy living or teachers’ personal and professional interest.
English Enhancement Course
The compulsory 3-cp English Enhancement Course aims to help students acquire linguistics skills in both academic and social contexts. It prepares students to write coherent and organized academic texts by developing essential skills in critical thinking, reading and writing. In addition, the course will enhance student’s ability to make appropriate correspondence in the workplace.
Class Time and Venue
Students are normally required to attend two to three 3-hour sessions per week. Classes may be scheduled in evenings and/or on weekends at the Tai Po Campus, Tseung Kwan O Study Centre, North Point Study Centre, and/or Kowloon Tong Satellite Study Centre, as decided by the University.
Medium of Instruction
This programme offers a Chinese stream (CMI) and an English stream (EMI). Applicants must choose which medium of instruction they prefer upon application.
Chinese as the medium of instruction [CMI]
The medium of instruction is mainly Cantonese. English or Putonghua may be adopted as the language of instruction for relevant courses, as appropriate.
English as the medium of instruction [EMI] Note 6
The medium of instruction is mainly English.
Note 6: EMI class will be mainly held in Tai Po Campus.
Career Prospects / Professional Qualifications
Graduates of the programme will:
- Meet the academic qualification required by the Education Bureau for kindergarten principals Note 7 ;
- Possess a Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree in early childhood education, fulfil the EDB’s recommended professional qualification of BEd(ECE) for appointment or promotion to senior teacher posts in kindergartens participating the Free Quality Kindergarten SchemeNote 8;
- Will have the ability to work competently in a broad range of positions that involve working with children and families;
- Be eligible to apply for the University's Master's Programmes;
- Be able to apply for overseas positions in early childhood education, in accordance with the registration requirements of relevant local institutions; and
- Be able to work as a special child care workerNote 9.
Note 7: This programme is recognized by the Education Bureau and is considered to meet the qualification requirements for newly appointed kindergarten principals, who are required to hold a Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education. Graduates who have acquired a minimum of one year of relevant work experience and successfully completed the Principal Certificate course may be eligible to meet the criteria for becoming a kindergarten principal in Hong Kong.
Note 8: According to the Kindergarten Administration Guide (2023), For appointment or promotion to senior teacher posts, Scheme-KGs should accord priority to suitable candidates with a bachelor's degree in early childhood education (BEd(ECE)) or equivalent.
Note 9: Students who completed the specified courses in the field “Diverse Needs” will be considered as having acquired training on the One-year In-service Course in Special Child Care Work recognized by the Social Welfare Department.
General Admission Requirement
- Holder of Certificate/ Higher Diploma in Kindergarten Education or Certificate/ Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education or equivalent, such as the Higher Diploma in Child Care and Education.
- Applicants may be required to attend admission interviews.
Early Admission
Early admission offers will be given to highly qualified applicants. These applicants will be informed of the admission result individually by email. Applicants who are not offered early admission shall not assume that they are not being considered for admission. Please check your personal email and your online application account regularly for the progress of your application.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this website. Changes to any aspects of the programmes may be made from time to time as due to change of circumstances and the University reserves the right to revise any information contained in this website as it deems fit without prior notice. The University accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from any use or misuse of or reliance on any information contained in this website.
Any aspect of the courses and course offerings (including, without limitation, the contents of the course and the manner in which the course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University if necessary. Without limiting the generality of the University’s discretion to revise the courses and course offerings, it is envisaged that changes may be required due to factors including staffing, enrolment levels, logistical arrangements, curriculum changes, and other factors caused by change of circumstances. Tuition fees, once paid, are non-refundable.
EdUHK is one of the teacher education providers in Hong Kong. Graduates of the University’s teacher education programmes are eligible to apply to become fully qualified Registered Teachers. For registration as a teacher, graduates should approach the Teacher Registration Team of the Education Bureau (EDB) to submit applications directly. All applications will be independently assessed by the EDB which will consider, among other things, whether an applicant has been convicted of any criminal offence (including sex-related offences) in Hong Kong or elsewhere, or is involved in any ongoing criminal proceedings or investigations. For details, please browse the EDB’s official website.
In the event of inconsistency between information in English and Chinese versions or where an interpretation of the programme content is required, the decision of the University shall be final.