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BWP139 - Certificate in PDP on Assessment Literacy and Effective Use of Assessment Data in Digital Era
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Certificate in PDP on Assessment Literacy and Effective Use of Assessment Data in Digital Era
Programme Code BWP139
Mode of Study Full-time Block Release
Duration 5 Weeks
Venue Tai Po Campus
Programme Leader Prof Yan Zi / Dr Zhu Jinxin
Programme Enquiries Ms Cheung 2948 8026
Ms Wong 2948 8027
Programme Video

Remarks: This program is an extension of a five-day program (CWP013). The five-week extended program combines theories and practices to provide participants with a solid learning experience aimed at improving their assessment literacy. This includes facilitating the development of assessment literacy among other stakeholders, such as students and parents, in the digital era. The program will also enrich their teaching philosophy, provide practical opportunities for analyzing and interpreting assessment results, and enhance their skills in using assessment data for teaching and student learning.

Programme Aims

This programme aims to enhance participants' assessment literacy in the digital era by focusing on developing assessment literacy among stakeholders, promoting techniques in assessment data analysis and interpretation, and utilising digital tools to improve assessment practices. Participants will gain proficiency in designing assessment tasks, analyzing assessment data, interpreting results, and using them to inform teaching strategies and improve student learning outcomes in both traditional and digital classrooms. The programme also seeks to promote a shared understanding and awareness of the concept of “assessment for learning” and “assessment as learning” among school practitioners and foster collaboration among stakeholders to enhance teaching and learning effectiveness.

Programme Structure

The programme specifically focuses on developing assessment literacy in the digital era, recognising the importance of enhancing the assessment literacy of all stakeholders within schools. The programme consists of the following courses:

Introduction to Assessment Literacy and Effective Use of Assessment Data (3 credit points)

This course enhances participants’ assessment literacy by critically examining the fundamental functions of educational assessments, diversified assessment, the characteristics of effective assessment tasks, and the ways to make effective use of assessment data, in particular that of paper-and-pencil tests or different assessment methods.

Using Data to Inform Teaching: Principles and Practices (3 credit points)

This course will focus on techniques in assessment data analysis and its practical application in instructional improvement in the digital era. The course will cover the entire data analysis process from basic data cleaning to advanced data analysis. The course will also delve into the utilization of digital tools for assessing student learning, as well as for gathering and analyzing assessment data to support data-driven instruction. Participants will gain proficiency in analyzing assessment data through various advanced methods, allowing them to extract valuable insights about students' actual learning outcomes. This will inform appropriate follow-up actions to refine teaching strategies and improve student learning in both traditional and digital classrooms. Additionally, the course will cover how to effectively communicate assessment results to all stakeholders using a mix of digital and non-digital tools.

Principles and Practices for the Enhancement of Assessment Literacy in the Digital Era (3 credit points)

This course will delve into cutting-edge research and theories aimed at enhancing teachers’ assessment literacy, including the ability to involve students in the assessment process to develop students' assessment literacy, focusing on how to deepen their understanding of assessments and leveraging assessment outcomes for self-directed learning. It will explore the application of digital tools to foster the development of students' assessment literacy and examine contemporary theories concerning teachers' own assessment literacy (particularly focusing on “assessment for learning” and “assessment as learning”) within the digital context.

Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction is mainly Chinese (Cantonese) and will be supplemented by English where appropriate.

Programme Duration

Cohort(s) Period of Study
1 6 May to 6 June 2025

Entrance Requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants should be:

  • Primary School Master/Mistress Curriculum Development (PSMCD) and Secondary School Master/Mistress Curriculum Development or subject heads of core subjects, including English Language, Chinese Language and Mathematics (for individual applicants);
  • Recommended by their principals.

Remarks: For team applicants from the same school, it is required that at least one applicant is a PSMCD/curriculum developer or subject head. Priority of admission will be given to schools with a team.


To be awarded a Certificate of Completion, participants must obtain a pass in all assessment tasks required and successfully fulfill the attendance requirements as stipulated by the programme.

Other Information

This Government-funded programme is supported by the Education Bureau (EDB). Schools which release teachers to take this programme are eligible for appointing supply teachers, if deemed necessary. Government and aided schools shall contact the EDB for detailed arrangements. Private and DSS schools shall make their own arrangements for the employment of supply teachers.

Participants who complete our PDPs are eligible to apply for credit transfer if they enroll in our postgraduate programmes. Their applications will be considered on an individual basis.

Remarks: Each school can recommend more than one teacher.


Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this website. Changes to any aspects of the programmes may be made from time to time as due to change of circumstances and the University reserves the right to revise any information contained in this website as it deems fit without prior notice. The University accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from any use or misuse of or reliance on any information contained in this website.

Any aspect of the courses and course offerings (including, without limitation, the contents of the course and the manner in which the course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University if necessary. Without limiting the generality of the University’s discretion to revise the courses and course offerings, it is envisaged that changes may be required due to factors including staffing, enrolment levels, logistical arrangements, curriculum changes, and other factors caused by change of circumstances. Tuition fees, once paid, are non-refundable.

Probity Requirements: Other than the application fee, applicants are not required to pay any additional fees during the application process. Please be reminded not to offer any advantage to any EdUHK staff, officer, employee, and/or any person involved in the admission process at EdUHK in connection with any application. Otherwise, you may commit serious criminal offences under Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201 of the laws of Hong Kong), which is punishable by imprisonment.

Making, submitting or using any false instrument (including forged documents) are serious criminal offences under the Crimes Ordinance (Cap. 200 of the laws of Hong Kong). A person committing the offences relating to forgery or false instruments is liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment. The University shall consider the relevant evidence and report suspicious cases to the Hong Kong Police. The University reserves the right to take appropriate legal actions against persons who make, forge or use a false instrument for admission and any other academic purposes before, during and after the admission process.

In the event of inconsistency between information in English and Chinese versions or where an interpretation of the programme content is required, the decision of the University shall be final.

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