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BWP136 - Certificate in PDP on Teaching Geography of China elements in the Geography Curricula
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Certificate in PDP on Teaching Geography of China elements in the Geography Curricula
Programme Code BWP136
Mode of Study Full-time Block Release
Duration 5 Full Days
Venue Tai Po Campus and field study sites
Programme Leader Dr Liu Shuwen Karen
Programme Enquiries Ms Lee 2948 7707
Ms Li 2948 8053

Programme Aims

On successful completion of the programme, participants will be able to: 

  • demonstrate the understanding of geographical concepts, processes and pedagogical literacy required for the teaching of curriculum contents using China as case studies. 
  • critically evaluate the progress of regional development and sustainable development in the contexts of Zhujiang (Pearl River) Delta with complex human-physical interfaces. 
  • display competencies in planning and organising experimental learning field study on the Geography of China through in situ experience gained in the Zhujiang (Pearl River) Delta region. 
  • develop a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges faced by Hong Kong in the Greater Bay Area policy initiative. 

Programme Structure

Participants will be required to complete 1 course carrying 3 credit points (cps). 

Geography of China and field study: Sustainable development in the Zhujiang (Pearl River) Delta Region

This course first provides participants with a comprehensive overview of the changing physical and human Geography of China, and then with cases, examples and experiences drawn from Zhujiang (Pearl River) Delta, one of the distinct “regions” within China. Zhujiang Delta is the low-lying region around the Pearl River estuary, where the Pearl River finally flows into the South China Sea. Zhujiang Delta is one of the most densely urbanised regions and the wealthiest region in South China, which is named as Pearl River Delta Economic Zone. So far, Zhujiang Delta is also part of the Greater Bay Area (GBA), which includes nine cities and two special administrative regions in South China to develop as an integrated economic area. Using a regional approach, the knowledge of the Zhujiang Delta will facilitate participant’s pedagogical literacy in teaching Geography of China elements. In addition to equipping with first-hand information on the Zhujiang Delta, the participants will evaluate the progress about China’s environmental and socio-economic development from a sustainable development perspective. Such evaluations would help upgrade teachers’ knowledge and skills in the teaching of China elements and examples covered in the Junior and Senior Secondary Geography curricula.  

Field study remains an essential part of Geography education. To enhance the participants with more onsite knowledge, observation and application of concepts learnt, a two-day experiential learning field study in the Zhujiang Delta will be organised to conduct the teaching on China Geography. Field study participants will visit, observe and investigate various sites and organisations such as urban areas, farms, manufacturing districts, universities, private companies and governmental parties that show the latest stage of environment and development progress of China. This study trip could serve as a taster of field studies organised by participants for their secondary school students in future. This opportunity will guide participants to have their own field trip planning aligned with the school curriculum and their students’ interests. 

Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction is mainly Chinese (Cantonese) and will be supplemented by English where appropriate. 

Programme Duration

Cohort(s) Period of Study
1 13 June 2025 (Friday);
16 June 2025 (Monday);
17 June 2025 (Tuesday) & 18 June 2025 (Wednesday) - 2-day study trip (tentative schedule) ;
20 June 2025 (Friday)

Entrance Requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants should be:

  • in-service subject-trained secondary school Geography teachers; and 
  • recommended by school principals. 


To be awarded a Certificate of Completion, participants must obtain a pass in all assessment tasks required and successfully fulfill the programme's attendance requirements. 

Other Information

Participants may be required to pay for the field study fee.  

This Government-funded programme is supported by the Education Bureau (EDB). Schools which release teachers to take this programme are eligible for appointing supply teachers, if deemed necessary. Government and aided schools shall contact the EDB for detailed arrangements. Private and DSS schools shall make their own arrangements for the employment of supply teachers. 

Remarks: Each school can recommend more than one teacher. 


Every effort has been made to ensure that information contained in this website is correct. Changes to any aspects of the programmes may be made from time to time due to unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control and the University reserves the right to make amendments to any information contained in this website without prior notice. The University accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from any use or misuse of or reliance on any information contained in this website.

Any aspect of the course and course offerings (including, without limitation, the content of the course and the manner in which the course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University. Without limiting the right of the University to amend the course and its course offerings, it is envisaged that changes may be required due to factors such as staffing, enrolment levels, logistical arrangements, curriculum changes, and other factors caused by unforeseeable circumstances. Tuition fees, once paid, are non-refundable.

Probity Requirements: Other than the application fee, applicants are not required to pay any additional fees during the application process. In addition, please be reminded not to offer any advantage to EdUHK staff and/or any person involving admissions at EdUHK in connection with your application. Otherwise, your action may violate Hong Kong's Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201).

In the event of inconsistency between information in English and Chinese version or where an interpretation of the programme content is required, the decision of the University shall be final.

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