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BWP135 - Certificate in PDP for Kindergarten Middle Leaders
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Certificate in PDP for Kindergarten Middle Leaders
Programme Code BWP135
Mode of Study Full-time Block Release
Duration 5 Weeks
Venue North Point Study Centre
Programme Leader Ms Ho Ka Man Carman
Programme Enquiries Mr Law 2948 7571

Programme Aims

Upon completion of the programme, participants are expected to:

  • describe the distinctive multiple leadership roles as active change agents, coaches and mentors in kindergartens;
  • apply major skills and specific strategies when dealing with day-to-day duties as a middle leader in a kindergarten;
  • administer resources management principles and strategies under the EDB kindergarten education scheme;
  • adopt active practices of school improvement and accountability for the sustainable development of quality kindergarten education; and
  • apply curriculum leadership principles, knowledge and strategies when designing curriculum, implementing strategic plans, conducting evaluation and making improvement in kindergartens.

Programme Structure*

The programme comprises the following three core courses of 3 credit points each:

Middle Leaders and School Management in Kindergartens

Leading kindergartens (KG) is always arduous and sometimes challenging to middle leaders. A middle leader in school plays a vital role in shaping learning and teaching as well as administrative activities. This course will focus on the administrative aspect of a middle leader in kindergartens distinguished from learning and teaching related activities. This strenuous wide spectrum of administrative tasks ranging from helping the overall strategic planning, resources management leadership and fulfilling management tasks. The primary aim of this course is to acquaint participants with the practical leadership skills necessary to exercise their major day-to-day management and leading duties as well as to deploy resources effectively. Emphasis will be put on cultivating a long-term positive school culture for middle leaders to deal with common issues.

Improvement and Accountability in Kindergartens

In both global and local contexts, early childhood education has attracted growing government attention and effort to develop and improve the provision. Increased resource support comes with an emphasis on continuous improvement and accountability for quality provision. The Government has implemented the kindergarten education scheme starting from the 2017/18 school year to improve the quality of kindergarten education in various aspects, including enhancing the Quality Assurance (QA) Framework for promoting sustainable development in schools and accountability. Middle leaders play a significant role in the successful implementation of the QA Framework in kindergartens. In this course, the Education Bureau’s (EDB) QA Framework will be discussed with a goal to contribute to the sustainable development of kindergartens.

Curriculum Leadership in Kindergartens

Kindergarten teachers enact and fulfil many leadership roles in their careers and the engagement in curriculum leadership becomes increasingly vital. Effective curriculum leaders align people and resources in order to produce meaningful changes for school-based curriculum improvement. This course aims to introduce curriculum leadership principles to participants and equip them with knowledge and strategies in curriculum design, implementation, evaluation and improvement. Furthermore, participants will be able to apply learned skills in enhancing learning and teaching in kindergartens. This course will prepare participants to be an effective curriculum leader who can make dynamic change in their kindergarten.

* subject to approval

Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction is mainly Chinese (Cantonese) and will be supplemented by English where appropriate.

Programme Duration

Cohort(s) Period of Study
1 18 November 2024 to 20 December 2024

Entrance Requirements

To be eligible for admission, applicants should be:

  • in-service experienced teachers, senior teachers or those with an aspiration for senior posts;
  • serving in kindergartens, kindergarten-cum-child care centres and schools with kindergarten classes joining the EDB kindergarten education scheme (Scheme-KGs); and
  • recommended by their school principals.

This programme is only open to those who have never attended the Certification Course for Kindergarten Principals. Applicants are required to declare this in the Declaration Form to be submitted together with the application. 


To be awarded a Certificate of Completion, participants must obtain a pass in all assessment tasks required and successfully fulfill the attendance requirements as stipulated by the programme.

Other Information

This Government-funded programme is supported by the Education Bureau (EDB). Scheme-KGs which release teachers who are admitted to take this programme are eligible for appointing supply teachers, if deemed necessary. For details, please refer to EDB Circular Memorandum No. 17/2022.

Remarks: Each school can recommend more than one teacher.


Every effort has been made to ensure that information contained in this website is correct. Changes to any aspects of the programmes may be made from time to time due to unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control and the University reserves the right to make amendments to any information contained in this website without prior notice. The University accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from any use or misuse of or reliance on any information contained in this website.

Any aspect of the course and course offerings (including, without limitation, the content of the course and the manner in which the course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University. Without limiting the right of the University to amend the course and its course offerings, it is envisaged that changes may be required due to factors such as staffing, enrolment levels, logistical arrangements, curriculum changes, and other factors caused by unforeseeable circumstances. Tuition fees, once paid, are non-refundable.

Probity Requirements: Other than the application fee, applicants are not required to pay any additional fees during the application process. In addition, please be reminded not to offer any advantage to EdUHK staff and/or any person involving admissions at EdUHK in connection with your application. Otherwise, your action may violate Hong Kong's Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201).

In the event of inconsistency between information in English and Chinese version or where an interpretation of the programme content is required, the decision of the University shall be final.

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