Personal Information Collection and Use Statement
EdUHK is committed to protecting your personal information provided to us and will abide by the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. We will use your personal information provided to us voluntarily including your name and email address for the following purposes: (1) send email notifications of the latest updates on our admissions, programmes and events and (2) transfer or share with “other unit(s)” of EdUHK but will not transfer to outside parties.
You have the right to request access to and correction of information held by us about you. If you wish to access or correct your personal data, please send us an email ( For more details of the Privacy Statement, please access the link: .
閣下有權查閱及改正我們所持關於你的個人資料。如閣下希望查閱或改正你的個人資料,請以電郵方式( 聯絡我們。有關《私隱政策聲明》,詳情請瀏覽以下網址: .